You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Our commitment

Honuka is commited to caring for our bees, our beekeepers, paying fair prices, and ensuring sustainable practices. Our jars are plant based, reclyclable, and our packaging is FSC-certified. We're not perfect, be we're stiving to be as sustainable as possible. At Honuka, sustainability and conservation play a significant role in how we do things. Making sure our brand is sustainable means being conscious and intentional with the everyday decisions we make, and to strive towards doing whatever we can to ensure we have the least impact on the planet. Thats why most of our packaging comes from sustainable sources. We are committed to constantly grow and explore new ways of doing things to help minimise the impact we have on the planet. 


Sustainable packaging

Our jars are made from sugarcane – a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics. They are 100% recyclable and all materials generated during their manufacture are reused or recycled. The manufacturers are Toitū Diamond Enviro-mark accredited.

Our product labels and cardboard packaging are both FSC and PEFC certified and come from sustainably managed forests, giving you the assurance that we are doing what we can to help preserve endangered forests and their biodiversity.

Honuka Snaps are now 85% bio-degradable - we are aiming for 100% by 2026 as part of our continuous improvement process.


Our Mānuka Honey doesn’t come from farms of plantation grown plants or as a by-product of hives trucked in to pollinate cash crops.

Our hives are nestled in the stunning, untouched corners of New Zealand, far from GMOs and city pollution—perfect for happy, healthy bees.

We keep fewer hives in these lush areas to avoid overcrowding. This helps our bees to thrive, pollinate like champs, and ensures ethical honey harvesting.


At Honuka, we care greatly for our local communities and have a very hands-on approach. We also support local and international community projects.

"The bee collects honey from flowers in such a way as to do the least damage or destruction to them, and he leaves them whole, undamaged and fresh, just as he found them."

Saint Francis de Sales


Join us on our mission to protect bees, and our planet.